Outstanding Property Refurbishments & Office Fit Outs in Petts Wood | Masterminded by the Builders at Jigsaw

Whether it’s your first time bringing in builders to launch a property extension, construct a new driveway, carry out essential groundworks, or take on loft conversions, property refurbishments, office fit outs or a home renovation, or it’s far from your first rodeo, there are certain pitfalls that can catch you out if you’re not careful. That’s why Jigsaw, as trusted builders for the Petts Wood area, have here looked to run over some “dos and don’ts” for your consideration, should you be gearing up for one of these projects yourself…

The Dos and Don’ts of Improving a Property

Do think long-term.

Like any investment, an investment in your home should be undertaken with the mid- to long- term outlook firmly in mind. For example, if you have an under-utilised attic space that’s letting heat escape, and generally not pulling its weight, loft conversions make a lot of sense. Property refurbishments, or a home renovation if there are less structural elements which need to be targeted, are great long-term investments should you one-day look to move property; the same goes for adding usable space via a property extension, especially in Petts Wood homes where there’s nowhere left to improve!

Rectifying problematic groundworks, while not the most exciting project, is another wise idea as failing to do so could lead to major issues with a potential sale one day. Professional office fit outs are another long-term solution which, while potentially seeming to be an expensive inconvenience right now, could lead to major improvements in terms of employee morale and efficiency.

Don’t choose the first builders you get a quote from.

As much as we’d love to encourage Petts Wood residents to opt for our builders right off the bat, we believe it’s important to spend some time researching different companies active in your area, and to try and get multiple quotes so they can be compared.

The price of a property extension or new driveway can differ as much as the cost of property refurbishments, loft conversions, groundworks and office fit outs. Look for a competitive quote that isn’t suspiciously cheap; unscrupulous builders cutting corners, using inferior materials and all the while relying heavily on cheaply hired subcontractors, aren’t likely to do fantastic work.

Do ask about insurance and guarantees.

Cost is certainly not everything. And even if you’ve had a recommendation from friends or family in the Petts Wood area, or have seen strong examples of work completed by particular builders, we’d urge you to inquire about their insurance and guarantees that might be available.

Fully insured, Jigsaw offers two year workmanship guarantees on: loft conversions, property refurbishments, a new driveway, property extension projects, groundworks and office fit outs. Additionally, all relevant warranties on materials will be upheld. These two details can prove Petts Wood residents with a great deal of peace of mind.

For more assistance navigating a Petts Wood property improvement, whether property refurbishments, office fit outs or something else detailed on our website, call Jigsaw’s friendly builders on 0794 420 6886.